Friday, 27 April 2018

Filipina Now a Dutch Citizen

My journey in getting a dutch citizenship started two years ago when I decided to get one.  It was after all the hassle I've been through trying to get a visa for me just to visit the family of my husband in Great Britain.  

First thing I did is to make an appointment with the Gementee.  They will then inform you about the process such as what you need to bring and of course how much your going to pay for it.  So, what are the required documents to get or qualify as a dutch citizen? These are the documents needed.  My birth certificate, married certificate, passport, resident permit and my A2 certificate for passing the inburgering exam.

They will thoroughly check every thing and could take from eight months to a year depending on the King's availability.  Why? because it needed to be sign by Him.  For more information, click here.  So my application took nine months but every thing was worth it.  I got a letter saying that it was approved and I just needed to do one thing to complete the requirements which is to be present in the ceremony. 

Special thanks to my family especially to my husband for all the support.  Finally, we can go to Great Britain with no more hassle.

(finger foods served after the ceremony)

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